No matter if you're someone who loves the great outdoors and staying active, a romantic who cherishes intimate candlelit dinners, or a laid-back individual who finds joy in cozying up with a captivating book, we've got you totally covered!

Now if you both scored over 50% on the Compatibility Quiz (If you have not yet taken the quiz, you can download the Couply app and take the "Healthy Living" course) then picking any one of the options we have listed for you below will be sufficient. Just pick one from your Style of choice and you’ll be set. However, if you and partner scored below 50% then you two might want to spend some more time picking an option you both can see yourselves enjoying. Remember, the purpose of this activity isn’t to become the next Usain Bolt, it’s to spend some quality time together while you start taking better care of yourselves.

So happy selecting and make sure you tag #couply if you end up posting your before and afters online!

The Trend Follower

- Find a self-help podcast by a reputed source to listen to.

- Try a virtual workout class.

- Spend a day at your local zoo or visit an animal shelter. You can also volunteer there!

- Get some essential oils and create a scent together.

- Make a joint Instagram or TikTok account of your own that promotes healthy living.

Diet Deity

- Make a healthy, plant-based recipe from another culture from scratch.

- Go for a dinner date at a restaurant and try items that are healthier based on the servers recommendations.

- Go to a local farmers market and stock up on fresh produce.

- Try a juice cleanse for a week.

- Attend a cooking class or workshop.

Namaste Yogi

- Try doing yoga together in a nearby park.

- Purchase guided journals and set a time aside to do them daily.

- Practice breathing exercises such as pranayama.

- Attend a guided meditation class.

- Visit a sensory deprivation or float tank center.

The Workoutaholic

- Try a new class such as Pilates or Kickboxing.

- Play soccer or shoot some hoops.

- Go biking somewhere scenic.

- Go to the gym and try beating each others’ PRs.

- Wake up early to go for a sunrise run.

Holistic Hero/Heroine

- Compete in a local charity fitness event, such as an obstacle course or 5km run.

- Go to a spa and try acupuncture or cupping.

- Explore Reiki and energy healing.

- Go for a walk/run in nature.

- Visit a naturopathic doctor together for suggestions on how to improve your diet and hormones.

Get more custom date ideas for you and your partner just by downloading Couply on Android or Apple now! Couply also offers a variety of relationship questions, couple's quizzes, expert articles, and even games that you and your partner can enjoy together while building a healthier and happier relationship.