Hello there!

Found yourself fascinated by psychopaths?

Most us have been drawn to terrifying true crime thrillers and stories of the macabre, and this brings us to the Dark Triad. 

What is the Dark Triad?

The 'Dark Triad' encompasses three maladaptive traits: narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy, which, despite their adverse implications, continue to persist in societies across the world.

The concept of the Dark Triad was first introduced in the early 2000s by psychologists Paulhus and Williams. The intention was to establish a theoretical construct that would encapsulate these socially aversive traits. The term 'dark' is used to describe these traits as they are generally associated with a callous, self-serving, and manipulative disposition that can harm individuals and communities.

Let's dive into them individually.


The first trait, narcissism, is characterized by grandiosity, entitlement, dominance, and superiority.

Narcissists tend to be self-centered, with an inflated sense of self-importance and a constant craving for admiration. They often disregard others' feelings, and relationships for them are mainly avenues to feed their self-esteem and achieve their goals.

Famous Narcissists:

Napoleon Bonaparte: The French military leader is often described as a narcissist due to his desire for power, his belief in his own grandeur, and his need for admiration.

Kanye West: The famous rapper has been described as displaying narcissistic tendencies, due to his grandiose statements about himself, his evident need for attention and admiration, and his reported difficulty in considering others' viewpoints.

Steve Jobs: The co-founder of Apple has been described in various biographies as having narcissistic traits, such as a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a grandiose sense of self-importance.

Madonna: The iconic pop star has been described as displaying narcissistic tendencies in her relentless pursuit of fame and refusal to step out of the spotlight.


Machiavellianism, named after the Italian diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli, embodies a strategic, manipulative approach to relationships and situations. Individuals with high Machiavellian tendencies are often cunning, duplicitous, and display a willingness to exploit others to achieve their personal objectives. Ethics, empathy, and fairness are often sidelined, as the ends justify the means in their perspective.

Famous Machiavellianists:

Niccolò Machiavelli: It's perhaps unsurprising that the namesake of this term is often seen as an example. While he may not have been Machiavellian himself, his political philosophies, particularly those expressed in "The Prince," advocate for a pragmatic and ruthless approach to power.

Joseph Stalin: The Soviet leader's ruthless strategies, including purges, famines, and political manipulation, to maintain power and control are often seen as representing a Machiavellian approach to leadership.

Richard Nixon: The 37th U.S. President is often cited as an example due to the deceit and manipulation involved in the Watergate scandal, which ultimately led to his resignation.


The third trait, psychopathy, is perhaps the most sinister. It involves callousness, impulsivity, and persistent antisocial behavior. Individuals with psychopathic traits lack empathy, show a disregard for societal norms, and exhibit shallow emotional responses. The dangerous aspect of psychopathy lies in the ability of such individuals to mimic societal standards of emotions and behaviors to blend in, while harboring manipulative and often harmful intentions with the lethal ability to carry these out. When out of control, all hell can break loose.

Famous Psychopaths

Ted Bundy: One of the most notorious serial killers in American history, Bundy's charm, manipulative nature, and lack of empathy for his victims align with common traits associated with psychopathy.

Jeffrey Dahmer: Known as the "Milwaukee Cannibal," Dahmer was a serial killer and sex offender who displayed a severe lack of remorse for his horrific crimes, another trait often associated with psychopathy.

Richard Kuklinski: Known as "The Iceman," Kuklinski was a hitman for the mafia and claimed to have killed over 100 people. His cold-bloodedness and lack of remorse led many to label him a psychopath.

The Dark Triad traits are not exclusive to individuals diagnosed with personality disorders. They exist on a spectrum and are present to varying degrees in many individuals. 

💡While generally perceived as negative traits, Dark Triad traits can also confer certain advantages, particularly in low doses and in highly competitive environments. As you’ve seen above, individuals with these traits may rise to leadership positions due to their charisma, manipulation skills, and boldness. 

You’ve likely seen, many celebrities or wannabe have a healthy dose of narcissism and for some that borders on the unhealthy!

Interestingly, Dark Triad traits may have evolutionary roots. From a Darwinian perspective, the short-term gains these traits provide, such as access to resources or potential mates with the ability to do things that other’s can’t, could explain their persistence. However, the long-term costs, such as damaged relationships and eventual societal disapproval, outweigh the benefits.

How to Protect Yourself from the Dark Triad?

Develop Strong Boundaries

It's important to set strong and healthy boundaries when you feel like you're dealing with someone who manifests any traits or behaviors in the dark triad. This is very essential to your overall well-being. It's like an invisible shield that protects not just your emotions but also your time and energy. You can do this by letting the person know what behavior is acceptable and what isn't. They might guilt trip you, but you need to remember that it is okay to prioritize your needs and to say NO to unreasonable requests.

Sharpen Your Intuition

Sometimes our gut just immediately tells us something that a person is off. If someone makes you feel uneasy, explore that feeling! Especially if those people feel like they are manipulative. Always be on the lookout for red flags! If someone disrespects your boundaries or makes you feel uncomfortable, it is very much okay to distance yourself from them rather than deal with them. This is for your own safety and sanity.

Beware of Flattery and Charm

People who are in the Dark Triad are often very charming and use flattery to manipulate you or the other people around you. It's important to observe if there are any inconsistencies in their words or stories and actions. FOCUS ON THEIR ACTIONS!

Limit Emotional Investment

Dealing with people in the Dark Triad can really be draining! Which is why it's very important to build resilience and avoid getting deeply involved with them. They will just suck out your energy and harm your emotional well-being. Focus on doing the things that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Seek Support

AVOID BEING ALONE. Always seek support if you feel like you are being manipulated or played by someone in the Dark Triad. You can talk and share your concerns with friends and family, or you can go to a therapist who can provide you with the tools to handle these kinds of people.

In the realm of the Dark Triad, complexities and contradictions weave an intricate tapestry of human behavior. Couples who embark on the journey of understanding the allure and challenges posed by Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy with an awareness of their sliding scale can foster stronger emotional connections and authentic communication. 

Embrace both light and darkness within yourselves and your partner, for it is in acknowledging and understanding these traits that you can find deeper connection and fulfillment in your relationships. 

Remember, the presence of certain traits doesn't necessarily mean someone has a personality disorder. It's essential to approach these questions with empathy and understanding, and if you have concerns about someone's well-being, encourage them to seek professional help from a mental health expert.