Emotional needs are an absolutely essential part of any healthy relationship.

When our emotional needs are being met by our partner, we feel loved, valued, and supported!

However, when our emotional needs aren’t being met, it can lead to feelings of neglect, frustration, and even resentment.

When your partner isn’t fulfilling your needs there can be a disconnect in the relationship and can often lead to a lack of communication, a decrease in physical intimacy, or an increase in arguments/conflicts.

When our emotional needs aren't met we can begin to feel unsupported, unloved, or unimportant to our partners. Not having your emotional needs met not only affects your relationship but also yourself as a person. Feeling unfulfilled emotionally can lead to negative self-talk, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. We might start to question our worth when our partners fail to validate our feelings and provide the support we need emotionally. 

In some cases, people may turn to outside sources to fulfill their emotional needs, such as seeking validation from friends, family members, or even strangers online. This can create a huge sense of distance and further isolation, making it even more difficult to repair the relationship.

It is important to communicate your emotional needs to your partner and work together to meet each other's needs. This can involve taking the time to listen to each other, showing empathy, and providing emotional support when needed. However, sometimes issues are too big to be solved by a couple of conversations; in that case, it may be necessary to seek professional help to work through the issues and strengthen the relationship back to where it used to be.

Not having our emotional needs met can put huge amounts of strain on the relationship. It takes time and effort to learn about what your partner needs emotionally, and vice versa. Learning comes from observing and communicating! Remember to always prioritize emotional support and communication to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

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