In relationships, there are often unnoticed wounds that can cause significant emotional damage over time. They seem like small, insignificant issues - the toothpaste cap left off, dishes left in the sink, clothes left on the floor, running late for the movie. Minor annoyances and quirks that don't feel like a huge deal on their own. However, over time, these "papercuts" of life can accumulate, triggering frustration and a feeling of being disrespected by a partner.

What are these papercuts trying to tell us? Rather than getting annoyed, what if we saw them as potential openings for connection and understanding? The minor ways we feel slighted are often symptoms of underlying needs not being met - the need to feel loved, appreciated, important. Believe it or not, something as small as putting the toilet seat down could allow your partner to feel deep care and consideration from you.

What are the "Papercuts" in Relationships?

Papercuts in relationships refer to the small, often unintentional hurts that occur between partners. These hurts may be insignificant on their own, but as they accumulate over time, they can lead to emotional damage and strain the connection between individuals. Just like a papercut, which may seem minor but still causes discomfort, relationship papercuts can create pain, tension, and discontent within a partnership. They are often subtle and may go unnoticed, but their impact can be profound. Understanding and addressing these papercuts is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

There are several distinct types of papercuts that can arise in relationships, each contributing to the erosion of emotional well-being. These types include communication papercuts, emotional papercuts, trust papercuts, intimacy papercuts, time and prioritization papercuts, respect papercuts, financial papercuts, family and friends papercuts, responsibilities papercuts, apology and forgiveness papercuts, independence and autonomy papercuts, physical appearance papercuts, and future and life goals papercuts. Within each category, specific actions and behaviors can cause subtle, yet significant, harm to the relationship. By learning about and addressing these various papercuts, couples can work towards a healthier and more fulfilling partnership.

Let's delve into each of them one by one:

1. Communication Papercuts

Communication papercuts refer to the small but recurring and often unintentional mistakes or issues in communication that can cause frustration, misunderstandings, and negative impacts on relationships and productivity. These communication hiccups can happen in any form of communication, such as emails, text messages, and verbal conversations. While they may seem insignificant, their cumulative effect can be significant, leading to reduced efficiency, damaged collaborations, and strained relationships. In this work, we will explore various aspects of communication papercuts, their common occurrences, and strategies to overcome them.

Misinterpretation of Words

Communication can often be filled with misunderstandings, leading to confusion and conflict. I think that misinterpretation of words is one of the biggest hurdles in any relationship. In my experience, it seems to happen most often when we make assumptions about what someone else is meaning instead of actively listening and asking clarifying questions. I've found that in my own life, when I really focus on listening without judgment or interruption, it not only builds trust but also leads to deeper understanding and connection.

People may have different interpretations or understandings of certain words or phrases, causing communication breakdowns. This can happen due to varying cultural backgrounds, personal experiences, or even language barriers. Another challenge is when individuals ignore each other's opinions. This can occur when one person dismisses or disregards the thoughts and perspectives of others, leading to feelings of frustration and exclusion. Additionally, interrupting or talking over each other can hinder effective communication. When people are not given the chance to express their thoughts fully, it can result in a lack of understanding and meaningful dialogue.

Ultimately, I believe we need to approach communication with open hearts and open minds. It's not about winning an argument or proving a point, but about building bridges of understanding and empathy. Personally speaking, when I really focus on listening without judgment or interruption, it not only builds trust but also leads to deeper understanding and connection."

Ignoring Each Other's Opinions

Ignoring or dismissing someone's opinion is a damaging relationship papercut. It sends the harmful message that you don't value their perspective. I believe that this makes someone feel very disrespected and neglected. It sends the signal that you don't value the other person's thoughts and feelings. This can gradually erode trust and emotional intimacy in the relationship.

Over time, consistently ignoring others erodes intimacy and trust, discourages vulnerability, breeds resentment, and causes hurt feelings from feeling invalidated. Even when disagreeing, making an effort to acknowledge and try to understand different viewpoints demonstrates mutual care and respect. It also the closes off growth opportunities. We learn and expand our views through openness to others' opinions and experiences. Ignoring them cuts off potential for mutual understanding.

Furthermore, it breeds resentment and consequently discourages vulnerability. If one person feels their views don't matter to someone else, it can build up hurt and anger over time. As this papercut continues, the other person may become reluctant to share thoughts, feelings, and opinions if they believe they will just be ignored or rejected.

Interrupting or Talking Over Each Other

Interrupting or talking over each other is a common communication challenge that can impede effective dialogue. I think sometimes we interrupt out of genuine excitement, eager to share our own thoughts before the other person finishes. When we constantly interrupt or speak over one another, it becomes difficult to fully express thoughts and ideas. This behavior can lead to frustration and a communication breakdown.

Overall, I think being aware of our tendency to interrupt and making an effort to listen fully creates an environment where everyone can express themselves effectively. That leads to more collaborative and meaningful conversations in my experience. By consciously avoiding interrupting or talking over each other, individuals can enhance the quality of their interactions and promote better understanding.

2. Emotional Papercuts

I believe that emotional papercuts are the subtle, yet deeply impactful, wounds we experience in our daily lives. Unlike major emotional traumas, these papercuts are small and seemingly insignificant, but their cumulative effect can be significant. This work aims to shed light on the concept of emotional papercuts, exploring their definition, examples, and impact. By understanding and recognizing these emotional papercuts, we can develop coping strategies and preventive measures to improve our emotional well-being.

Dismissing Feelings

Dismissing feelings refers to the act of disregarding or dismissing someone's emotions as unimportant or invalid. It can occur when a person fails to acknowledge or give value to another person's emotions, often responding with indifference or insensitivity. It can be incredibly hurtful and damaging, especially when it comes to a partner. This dismissal can leave the individual feeling unheard, invalidated, and unsupported, which can have a detrimental impact on their emotional well-being.

I think dismissing your partner's feelings can really damage emotional intimacy in a relationship. Remember, emotional expression is healthy and necessary. In my experience, when I've shared vulnerable emotions with even just by anyone and they brushed it off or acted like it wasn't a big deal, it made me feel like my feelings didn't matter. I think that dismissing your partner's emotions, even unintentionally, can make them feel unseen and unvalued in the relationship. It closes off an emotional connection. I've found that relationships thrive when partners make each other feel truly heard and cared for by never dismissing the other's feelings, fears, and concerns.

Invalidating Emotions

I think invalidating emotions is extremely harmful in relationships. Invalidation of emotions refers to the act of disregarding or undermining someone's feelings. It can occur in different ways and have a significant impact on individuals. Some common forms of invalidation include dismissing someone's feelings, minimizing or belittling emotions, and telling someone how they should feel. When emotions are invalidated, it can lead to feelings of frustration, hurt, and a sense of not being understood or supported.

I believe that invalidating responses not only fails to provide support but also sends the message that certain emotions are unacceptable or irrational. Creating a safe space for emotional expression and actively validating each other's feelings is crucial for any healthy relationship. It's a continuous learning process, and I'm always eager to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Not Showing Empathy

I think not showing empathy to your partner can really damage the emotional connection in a relationship. In my experience, when someone doesn't make an effort to understand or share in my feelings, it makes me feel unsupported and alone. Signs of a lack of empathy can manifest themselves in various ways. These signs may include ignoring others' feelings, invalidating emotions, and being self-centered in conversations. People who lack empathy often demonstrate a lack of understanding or care for the emotions and experiences of others. They may fail to acknowledge or respond to the feelings expressed by others, dismiss or trivialize their emotions, and focus primarily on their own needs and concerns. These signs can have a significant impact on relationships and emotional intimacy.

Remember, building empathy is a two-way street. While some individuals may struggle with it naturally, it's a skill that can be nurtured and cultivated. By having open and honest conversations, demonstrating empathy ourselves, and creating a supportive environment, we can bridge the empathy gap and foster deeper, more meaningful connections in our relationships.

3. Trust Papercuts

Trust papercuts refer to the small, seemingly insignificant incidents or actions that erode trust in a relationship. These incidents may be trivial on their own, but when they accumulate over time, they can undermine the foundation of trust. Trust papercuts can range from minor acts of dishonesty to subtle instances of jealousy or suspicion. Understanding these subtle trust breaches is crucial in order to recognize their impact and take proactive measures to address them.

Broken Promises

Broken promises can be a major source of trust issues in relationships. When someone consistently fails to follow through on their commitments, it can leave their partner feeling betrayed and disappointed. Unfulfilled commitments, such as canceling plans at the last minute or not completing promised tasks, can erode trust over time. Repeated lies further deepen the damage, as they create a pattern of dishonesty and make it difficult for the betrayed partner to believe anything their significant other says. Ultimately, betrayal of trust occurs when boundaries are crossed and secrets are kept, causing immense pain and damage to the relationship. I think open and honest communication is key when trust has been broken. Explain how the situation made you feel, but avoid accusatory language. The goal should be understanding each other's perspectives.

Lack of Transparency

When there is a lack of transparency in a work environment, it can lead to confusion and mistrust among colleagues. Without clear and open communication, employees may feel uncertain about the company's goals and objectives. This can create an atmosphere of suspicion and hinder teamwork. It is important for organizations to foster a culture of transparency by promoting open dialogue, sharing information, and addressing concerns in a timely manner. From my perspective, transparency about needs and feelings prevents many issues stemming from suspicion or jealousy. Check-in regularly about how each of you are doing. Validate emotions, but don't project assumptions.

Suspicion and Jealousy

Suspicion refers to the distrust or doubt someone feels towards another person's actions or intentions, often without concrete evidence. Jealousy, on the other hand, is a complex emotion encompassing fear, insecurity, and envy, usually aroused by the perceived threat of losing someone to a third party. Both suspicion and jealousy can arise from previous experiences, insecurities, or lack of communication, and understanding their definitions is crucial to identifying and addressing these emotions effectively in relationships.

I find trust deepens when both people demonstrate care and respect for the relationship. Focus on cherishing your bond and let go of the need to control. ,Give the gift of trust. With understanding, empathy and consistent effort, trust can be restored over time. The process may feel difficult, but relationships based on mutual trust are truly rewarding.

4. Intimacy Papercuts

Intimacy Papercuts is a term that refers to the small, subtle hurts and misunderstandings that can occur in relationships, causing emotional pain and creating distance between partners. These papercuts may seem insignificant on their own, but when they accumulate over time, they can erode the foundation of a relationship. In this work, we will explore the concept of intimacy papercuts, their common causes, and strategies for healing and preventing them. By addressing these seemingly small issues, we can strengthen our connections and cultivate healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Lack of Physical Affection

I think physical affection is a key part of feeling connected and cared for in a relationship. Lack of physical affection can be detrimental to a relationship, as it may lead to feelings of disconnect and dissatisfaction. Physical touch plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of intimacy and closeness between partners. When there is a lack of physical affection in a relationship, it can manifest in various ways, such as infrequent hugs, cuddles, holding hands, and kisses. It's important for partners to recognize the significance of physical touch and make efforts to incorporate it into their daily lives to strengthen their bond and nurture their relationship.

Withholding Emotional Vulnerability

Withholding emotional vulnerability can often arise from a fear of rejection and difficulty expressing emotions. People may hesitate to open up and share their true feelings for fear of being rejected or judged by their partner. This fear can stem from past experiences of rejection or a lack of acceptance. Additionally, some individuals find it challenging to articulate their emotions effectively, leading to a tendency to withhold vulnerability. Another factor that contributes to withholding emotional vulnerability is a lack of trust in the relationship. When there is a lack of trust, individuals may fear that expressing their emotions will be used against them or result in further emotional harm. These factors, combined, create barriers to emotional vulnerability and can have a significant impact on the overall emotional connection in a relationship.

Neglecting Sexual Needs

From my point of view, sexual needs are natural but require open communication. Neglecting Sexual Needs focuses on the often overlooked aspect of sexual needs in relationships and the impact it can have. This work aims to shed light on the importance of addressing and fulfilling these needs, as neglecting them can lead to various negative consequences. From strained relationships to decreased relationship satisfaction, the consequences can be significant. By understanding the causes, signs, and consequences of neglected sexual needs, individuals can begin to take the necessary steps to overcome these challenges and enhance their intimate connections.

5.Time and Prioritization Papercuts

Time and prioritization papercuts refer to the small, seemingly insignificant issues that can arise when managing time and priorities. These issues may seem minor individually, but when they accumulate, they can have a significant impact on the overall health and happiness of the relationship. It is important to address these papercuts early on and find ways to effectively manage time and priorities in order to maintain a strong and thriving relationship.

Constantly Being Late

Constantly being late can have negative consequences on both personal and professional life. I think being constantly late signals disrespect and can really damage trust and credibility. Lateness may be caused by various factors, such as a lack of time awareness, poor time estimation skills, or frequent procrastination. It is important to address these issues in order to prioritize and manage time effectively.

Always Putting Work First

I know it's easy for work demands to crowd out personal life. But relationships need dedicated time to nurture intimacy. Couples may also find themselves lacking quality time together, which can negatively impact their emotional connection. Additionally, communication breakdowns can occur when work takes precedence, resulting in unresolved issues and misunderstandings. By understanding the signs and reasons behind work prioritization, as well as the importance of balancing both areas, individuals can strive for a more harmonious and fulfilling work-life relationship.

Ignoring Quality Time Together

From my point of view, quality time is the bedrock of healthy relationships. It's about being fully present, not just physically together. When quality time is overlooked, the negative consequences can be significant. Ignoring this vital aspect of relationships can lead to feelings of distance, neglect, and dissatisfaction. Lack of quality time can strain relationships, causing partners, family members, or friends to feel unimportant or undervalued. Additionally, the absence of regular quality time can result in increased stress levels as individuals miss out on the emotional support and connection that these moments provide. Ultimately, ignoring quality time can lead to a decreased emotional connection, harming the overall health and happiness of relationships.

6. Respect Papercuts

Small signs of disrespect like dismissing boundaries, cutting remarks, and not listening may seem minor at first. But these little relationship papercuts slowly diminish intimacy and trust over time if unhealthy patterns continue unchecked.

Disregarding Boundaries

I think respecting each other's boundaries is crucial for trust and comfort in a relationship. We all have physical, emotional, and mental boundaries that need to be respected in healthy relationships. Disregarding a partner's boundaries can make them feel violated, unsafe, resentful, and closed off. For example, reading your significant other's texts or emails without permission disregards privacy boundaries. Making major financial decisions without discussion ignores boundaries around shared finances. Repeatedly bringing up a sensitive topic your partner has asked you not to crosses emotional boundaries. Even small boundary violations build up over time, slowly eroding intimacy.

Making Disparaging Remarks

In my experience, words can uplift or deeply wound. I aim to be mindful of how I speak to anyone and avoid criticism or mocking their interests. playfulness is great but disparagement signals contempt and disrespect. Making cutting remarks, using hurtful labels, mocking especially your partner's interests, or frequently putting them down can inflict deep wounds. Sarcastic comments, even when said lightly or "just joking" still carry an edge that cuts down your partner's sense of self-worth. These types of disparaging communication patterns signal contempt, destroy trust, and make your partner feel deeply disrespected. Unsurprisingly, being the target of frequent criticism often makes people defensive and closed off rather than open and understanding.

Not Listening or Valuing Each Other's Input

From my perspective, truly listening without interrupting or being distracted shows you value your partner's perspective. Feeling truly heard and valued builds intimacy while being denied space for input causes relationships to break down over time. Forms of not listening in conversation include interrupting frequently, getting distracted by phones/devices, mentally planning your response rather than focusing on understanding, dismissing opinions without consideration, or giving unsolicited advice rather than empathy. Partners who feel unheard shut down. Without balance in both people getting space to express themselves openly, resentment simmering under the surface will overflow eventually.

7. Financial Papercuts

Money disagreements may start small - a hidden purchase here, unequal contribution there. But financial papercuts that ignore transparency and equitable partnership fray bonds of trust essential for weathering future storms together.

Overspending without Discussion

Impulsively making large purchases without consulting your partner disregards their need to feel like a co-captain of shared financial decisions. Even if you earn more, ignoring major budget talks makes them feel devalued and destroys trust in planning together responsibly. I think major purchases should involve open discussion, even if incomes are unequal. Surprising your partner with a large expenditure makes them feel excluded from important decisions. Better to talk budgets thoroughly and agree on a framework.

Hiding Financial Decisions

In my experience, transparency around finances is crucial. Hiding debts, investments or other money matters destroys trust. Regular check-ins allow insight into each other's spending and saving to optimize planning. Partners who hide transactions, bills, or debts from each other destroy trust and cooperation around shared economic partnership for the future. Allow transparency around finances so both feel confident in mutual decision-making.

Unequal Contribution to Expenses

From my perspective, both partners should aim for fairness in contributing, based on incomes and expenses. While perfect 50/50 splits aren't always realistic or desired, significantly unequal financial contributions often brew resentment from the partner carrying more weight. If one partner pays most of the rent/mortgage/bills while the other spends freely on hobbies or extras just for themselves, inequity strains the relationship over time even if incomes differ. Strive for mutually agreed upon fairness.

8. Family and Friends Papercuts

Social snubs or slights towards each other’s loved ones betray bonds of loyalty essential for couples to feel securely connected as a team. Protect each other’s dignity.

Ignoring or Disliking Each Other's Loved Ones

I think it's important to know your partner's loved ones and find ways to thoughtfully bond over time. Not making an effort to know or bond with your partner's family/friends makes them feel like you don't care enough about their world. Outright dislike or criticism of loved ones hurts deeply too. Make room in your life and heart for those dear to them.

Prioritizing Social Life Over Partner

In my view, balance is crucial when navigating friendships. If you frequently choose friends/social plans over quality time with your partner, they feel deprioritized. Balance is key - don't neglect to nurture your connection amid other commitments.

Not Defending Each Other in Social Situations

From my perspective, always having each other's back socially signals loyalty. Allowing friends or family to insult, dismiss, or disrespect your partner in front of you signals you don't have their back. Not speaking up betrays trust and hurts immensely. Gentle corrections let them know you care about preserving your partner's dignity.

9. Responsibilities Papercuts

Imbalanced division of household duties breeds resentment from a feeling of unfairness. Follow through on obligations and validate each other’s contributions to foster mutual respect.

Unequal Distribution of Household Chores

I believe dividing chores and duties fairly prevents resentment from an imbalanced burden. Track tasks and reassess periodically so it doesn't default to one person. If one person becomes saddled with significantly more housework and errands, resentment builds from feeling overburdened and indebted. The one doing less needs to carry a fair load to foster a spirit of partnership.

Not Following Through on Shared Responsibilities

Forgetting important tasks, deadlines, or duties erodes trust in your partner who feels let down. I try to write reminders and checklists to stay on top of mutual obligations. Openly acknowledge when I've dropped the ball.

Disregarding Each Other's Responsibilities

From my experience, validating each other's responsibilities fosters respect. Belittling your partner's workload and priorities ("that's not even real work!") communicates dismissal and contempt. Validate each other's duties, from deadlines to emotional labor, as important and deserving of respect. I aim to express genuine gratitude for my partner's contributions.

10. Apology and Forgiveness Papercuts

The deepest relationship wounds often stem from insincere amends, lingering grudges, or repeating cycles of hurt. A sincere apology and forgiveness offer reconciliation.

Insincere Apologies

Offering apologies that ring hollow or feel forced rather than heartfelt plunges daggers rather than healing wounds. “I’m sorry you feel that way” invalidates their experience. Sincere apologies own impact, express empathy for their pain, ask how to repair hurt, and follow with improved behavior.

Holding Grudges

We’ve all been hurt before. But clinging to old wounds and past grievances blocks forward flow in relationships. I believe that holding onto grudges and the past hurts just poisons the present. At some point for connection’s sake, we must relinquish resentment and offer the gift of grace. Forgiveness doesn't automatically rebuild trust but clears space for positive change.

Repeating Hurtful Behavior

Apologizing over and over for the same transgression without attempts to improve makes “I’m sorry” feel meaningless. True remorse involves soul-searching why this pattern persists so you can address root causes with courage rather than excuses. Healing springs from difficult growth.

11. Independence and Autonomy Papercuts

While some interdependence in relationships is healthy, too much codependency or controlling behaviors backfire. Suffocating a partner's opportunities for personal growth damages bonds over time. Likewise, completely ignoring each other's needs fosters feelings of emotional abandonment.

Being Overly Dependent on Each Other

I think it's important for partners to have diverse interests and friend groups outside the relationship. While interdependency is natural, being overly reliant on one person for everything is imbalanced and restrictive. Honestly, it will just overwhelm them and feel choked. Nurture diverse friend groups, hobbies, and income for balance. Complement while retaining independence.

Not Allowing Personal Space

I believe that never spending time apart or guilt-tripping your partner for independent activities suffocates the soul. I also think that guilt-tripping your partner for independent activities damages trust and joy. Aim for togetherness through freedom, not control. Trust fuels healthy unions - allow each other room to refresh through time alone or apart pursuing personal growth.

Controlling or Manipulating Behavior

In my opinion, trying to control or manipulate a partner's behavior this is the biggest red flag and it also erodes love, creating dysfunction and resentment. Coercing them to behave as you see fit backfires. Express your needs but grant them autonomy. Control kills love's spark.

12. Physical Appearance Papercuts

Thoughtless criticism about looks inflicts wounds to self-worth that impact intimacy. Loving actions affirm beauty in ways that overcome fleeting surfaces.

Criticizing Each Other's Looks

In my opinion, criticizing anoyne's looks or style inflicts deep wounds. Passing criticism about weight, clothing style, grooming, or unattractive features cuts deeply no matter how minor it may seem. Feeling constantly judged by your life partner's eyes cultivates profound insecurity and self-consciousness rather than acceptance. If certain traits genuinely concern you health-wise, tread extremely sensitively.

Comparing to Others

I think comparing your partner unfavorably to others signals rejection. Thoughtless comments comparing your partner's looks to exes, celebrities, or friends set up toxic comparisons. "Why can't you dress as nicely as her?" or "He's in better shape than you" imply you find them lacking which feels like a painful betrayal from the one person who should treasure them. Focus compliments inward.

Not Complimenting or Appreciating Appearance

From my experience, sincere compliments communicate acceptance which we all crave from our partner. Withholding genuine praise and appreciation for your partner's physical form leaves them feeling invisible at best and ugly at worst. We all wish to be seen, admired, and validated by the one who matters most. Unsolicited compliments on attributes you find beautiful, alluring, and handsome communicate acceptance.

13. Future and Life Goals Papercuts

Mismatched visions disempower couples from building shared dreams together. But with care for underlying hopes, negotiating disparate goals can illuminate possibility.

Disagreements on Major Life Decisions

I believe that major disagreements often stem from underlying fears or meanings attributed to certain outcomes. Fundamental differences around major decisions like whether to have children, relocate for a job, purchase a home, or take a career risk can stall out relationships if not discussed with empathy and willingness to compromise. Seek hidden fears driving stubbornness.

Not Supporting Each Other's Dreams

I think unconditionally supporting each other's dreams, not just when convenient, is crucial. Dismissing, deprioritizing, or sabotaging your partner's aspirations communicates callous indifference for something vital that fuels them. It suggests conditional support rather than unconditional encouragement. Help each other progress ambitions.

Ignoring Long-Term Goals

From my perspective, discussing short and long-term goals allows for intentionally nurturing shared excitement. Failing to jointly talk through visions for the 1, 5, 10-year mark—whether travel dreams, financial plans, bucket lists, or other hoped-for milestones - bars intentionally nurturing shared excitement. Goal alignment powers couples forward.

Healing the Papercuts in your Relationship

We all make missteps that unwittingly hurt our partners; that’s an inevitable part of intimacy. And once trust erodes, restoring confidence feels precarious. The accumulated papercuts leave us nursing wounds and guarding our hearts. But protecting yourself through retreat will not nurture renewed understanding.

Prioritize Personal Well-being

Replenish your own cup first before pouring back into a relationship. Make time for activities that bring you joy, peace, and restoration. Don't abandon self-care in the pursuit of reconciliation.

Communicate Assertively

Resist suppressing hurt only to have it erupt later. Have ongoing conversations where you candidly yet calmly share both emotions and needs. Own your feelings with "I" statements rather than accusations.

Set Healthy Boundaries

Protect your emotional space if needed while you heal. Let your partner know if certain conversations or activities feel premature before you've regained your footing.

Seek Support  

Surround yourself with empathetic friends or professionals you trust. Processing pain can clarify the next steps. Find those who affirm your worth rather than make you feel blamed.

Caring for your inner wellspring will help you move forward with compassion for yourself and your partner as you work to rebuild trust where papercuts once festered.

The path forward requires courage and wisdom. Seek comfort from supportive communities, then bravely initiate open conversation. Approach tender subjects with empathetic curiosity, not accusation. Listen wholeheartedly; extend grace for imperfect attempts at repair.

Healing cannot be rushed. And the one who hurt you cannot force forgiveness on your timeline. Honor your emotional process while also asking, “How long will I carry this pain that keeps us from each other?” Consider releasing the story that breeds resentment.

With time and the demonstration of changed behaviors, papercuts, and other betrayals can be mended. But both parties must strive to understand and then meet the underlying emotional needs once denied. Therein, you build connections sturdy enough to withstand life’s future storms as one.

About the Author

Sheravi Mae Galang

Sheravi Mae Galang is a Content Coordinator for the Couply app. Couply was created to help couples improve their relationships. Couply has over 300,000 words of relationship quizzes, questions, couples games, and date ideas and helps over 400,000 people.

Sheravi enjoys writing and is currently studying at the Cebu Institute of Technology - University for her current pursuit of a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. You can connect with her through email here.