DISCLAIMER: Couply’s AI isn’t your therapist. The AI has been designed as an extra tool to give you some more guidance to navigate your relationship. If you believe your relationship needs some serious help, please get in touch with a professional.
The other day my boyfriend and I had a silly argument. Silly, but still an argument, and that of course caused some tension and awkwardness between us. Now I don’t know if you already know about this, but Couply recently released the AI feature. Which is pretty cool as this is the world’s first AI personalized coach, I mean seriously, how awesome is that?! So, me being curious as to what it can do, I decided to go on my Couply app and consult Couply’s AI.
So Why Use Couply’s AI in the First Place?
There are a number of reasons why you should use an AI that has specifically been designed to help couples. I mean it’s sole purpose is literally to help you and your partner, so no opportunity should be wasted if it means improving your relationship.
You cannot and should not ever refuse any extra help like that!
Couply’s AI Can Offer Objective Guidance
It’s an AI right? So it will give you advice from an objective point of view, so you don’t have to worry about it being biased as the AI is all based on factual data, free from yours or your partner’s bias, which is great because your judgements are of course clouded by your own emotions and personal experiences. But, if you don’t like any of its advice, well then that’s your problem isn’t it? Just kidding, but you obviously don’t have to follow through with every advice it gives you, it’s just nice to know the alternatives that aren’t being proposed to you based on what your partner thinks or what you may think, but because this is the sensible thing, that isn’t affected by any emotions in the heat of the moment.
By being objective, Couply’s AI is able to offer you a fresh perspective on things and your relationship dynamics without any preconceptions. Also, what I personally find really cool is that it has the ability to identify trends and patterns present in your relationship that may not be as apparent to you and your partner yet. If you give the AI enough information, it will identify both of your communication styles, attachment styles and love language and will then tailor the AI’s advice specifically to your relationship
Couply Is There for You 24/7, and So Is Its AI
Every second, every minute, every hour, every day and night, Couply’s AI has you covered. It’s not going to go *poof* and disappear on you, it won’t add on your abandonment issues, believe me I know what that’s like.
The good thing about an AI is that no matter what, when and where, it’s there for you babe.

Well as long as you’ve got a WiFi access that is, but still, pretty cool right?
Imagine needing some advice at 2 in the morning. What are you going to do? You can’t call someone at that time besides maybe your best friend and that is if they’re not asleep and don’t cuss you out.
It’s amazing how an AI like Couply’s can help you find ways to address any potential issues and prevent a conflict escalation if you need it in the middle of the night. And in all reality, having 24/7 support, even from an AI can promote proactive relationship management.
An AI Keeps Things Private and Confidential
Just like a therapist (but not a therapist), Couply’s AI makes sure that all interactions between you and the AI are kept secure and private. If you want to discuss any sensitive topics, share some personal experiences or seek guidance that you might otherwise feel a bit awkward to do so with an actual person and need time to build up the courage, you won’t have to do that with the AI as generally an AI’s algorithm is designed to maintain anonymity by keeping up with strict privacy policies.
What I’m trying to say is, Couply’s AI will help with building a safe and supportive environment where you and your partner can feel comfortable expressing yourselves and talking through your challenges in your relationship openly, encouraging you to be honest and free with the AI that will then lead to more meaningful interactions and better outcomes!
An AI for Couples Will Help Enhance Your Communication
An app that has been built solely to help couples means that its AI will be doing the same thing, but with the element of interaction. Couply’s AI features are designed to improve the interactions and your understanding of yourself and your partner. Once the AI has enough information, it will help you with conversation starters, communication exercises needed specifically for your relationship that will encourage meaningful and deeper connections.
By analyzing your attachment and communication styles, you will get guidance on how to express your thoughts and feelings more clearly to your partner. What’s even more cool is that Couply’s AI can detect potential misunderstandings or conflicts and then proceed to offer you with suggestions on how to solve them or even prevent them by improving your conflict resolution skills.
So, if you give Couply’s AI a chance, it will help you enhance your communication and have a healthier and more fulfilling relationship by promoting understanding, empathy and effective communication skills
How Did I Use Couply’s AI to Help With an Argument?
First, I completed Couply’s attachment style and love language courses
If you are familiar with the Couply app then you should already know that there are tons of courses you and your partner can complete that give you insight about one another. Now of course, both me and my boyfriend had already completed these two courses before the argument because imagine how weird it’d be if we were arguing and at the end of it I go up to him and be like “Excuse me babe but can you please complete these two courses on the app for me because I want to talk to the AI about our fight?”
The reason you should complete AT LEAST these two courses is so the AI has something to go on from. It needs to know a few things about you and your partner in order to give guidance tailored to your needs and your relationship. Not just general advice for any general couple, but for you!
Then I briefly explained the argument to Couply’s AI
Without getting into specifics because well you don’t need the specifics, you big gossip. I just briefly summarized what happened, how I felt about the situation, how I thought my boyfriend felt about it, and voiced any concerns and asked questions that could potentially provide me with the right guidance in order to help us resolve the argument.
I asked Couply’s AI questions in order to give me some guidance in how to handle the argument
Here are the questions I asked Couply’s AI and the answers the AI provided me with and how this helped resolve the argument, fix and ultimately improve our relationship.
1: What are some effective communication strategies for resolving the conflict?

2: How can I express my feelings without escalating the argument?

3: Can you suggest some techniques for active listening?

4: How do I approach a disagreement when we have different perspectives?

5: How do I approach him if he doesn’t want to talk right now?

6: What are some ways to find common ground and compromise?

7: Can you provide some examples of non-verbal cues that might help me understand his emotions better?

8: How can I avoid making the same mistakes in the future?

9: Are there any exercises or activities we can do together to strengthen our relationship after an argument?

And then I followed through with the advice to the best of my ability
So before approaching him, I made sure that I was calm. Not knowing for sure whether or not he wanted to talk about it, I just asked him and once he gave me the okay, we sat down somewhere where we were both comfortable in and I started with explaining how I felt about the situation at the time and what I thought about it, proceeding with explaining why I reacted the way I did without using any language that would indicate that I was blaming him, just like Couply’s AI told me to. After this, I asked him if he was comfortable and willing to share perspective while encouraging him to do so and once he started explaining his side of the story, I made sure to actually listen to him and understand him as his feelings and thoughts are as valid as mine. Once we talked through how the situation made us feel, we went on to express what our needs are just as the AI suggested and made sure to reflect on our mistakes and how we initially reacted to the argument in order to empathize with each other, trying our best not to become defensive and made sure that we were both feeling comfortable and secure to share our opinions and actively listening to each other.
As the AI told me to, I made sure to observe his body language, making sure that he wasn’t feeling uncomfortable or getting upset, but as it turned out he wasn’t either of those, so a win for me!
So, as we tried to look for a common ground and find a solution to our argument, we both remained open-minded and also discussed how we could avoid the same argument in the future as it was a silly one and not something ultimately worth getting too upset about. We kept the bigger picture in mind, which is that we want to be together and be happy and comfortable and not that our relationship was in danger because of this argument, but by avoiding it from happening again is a great way to make sure that things will not escalate, if it was to happen again.
Finally, we tried out some of the activities the AI suggested, and now I feel more connected to him than before. And happier. I mean who wouldn’t be happy to hear all the reasons their partner loves them?
Anyway, now both me and my boyfriend know how to handle arguments better. And we managed to realize how unnecessary this argument was. We actively listened to each other and made sure we understood both our sides, while reassuring each other in the process. Personally, I am very grateful for Couply’s AI. Because even though I know there will be more arguments in the future, silly or serious, the AI will be there to help us find a way to get through it.
It helped fix my relationship and it helped in making us even better partners.
I strongly suggest giving Couply’s AI a try, that is if you haven’t already, because if you have then you probably already know how fun and useful it actually is!
I know I’ll be using my AI Coach again, especially if it means making me a better partner for my partner, who deserves the best.
Does yours?
About the Author

Eirini Tsipou
Eirini Tsipou is a Content Coordinator for the Couply app. Couply was created to help couples improve their relationships. Couply has over 300,000 words of relationship quizzes, questions, couples games and date ideas and helps over 400,000 people.
Eirini Tsipou watches crime documentaries for fun, and is currently studying Bachelor’s Psychology at the University of Stirling.
You can connect with Eirini Tsipou on Instagram here.